Nov 06, 2023

Founders Park property transfer, wastewater improvements on City Comm. agenda

Posted Nov 06, 2023 6:38 PM
Saline County and Salina City Building, on Iron Street in Salina, KS. <b>Photo by Olivia Bergmeier</b>
Saline County and Salina City Building, on Iron Street in Salina, KS. Photo by Olivia Bergmeier


The Salina City Commission meeting will take place in–person at the City/County Building in Room 107 and via Zoom.  Meetings can be viewed at the City of Salina YouTube channel,

To participate via Zoom, citizens will need to use the following link:

The meeting can also be accessed by phone at 1-346-248-7799. Enter Meeting ID: 892 7598 4587 when prompted. 

If citizens wish to speak, either during the public forum or when the mayor requests public comment on an item, citizens attending via Zoom must raise their hand so that the meeting host can allow them to speak. Those who attend the in-person meeting will have the opportunity to speak at the podium. 

Citizens can also send written comments or questions to City Commissioners by visiting the City of Salina’s website at and using the “Email City Commission” icon on the home page. 

In order for the commissioners to have an opportunity to review comments in advance of the meeting, please email your comments or questions by 5 p.m. the Sunday prior to the Monday meetings. 

To see the full meeting packet for today, click here. 

Study Session

The City Commission will meet for a study session on Monday at 2:30 p.m.  to continue its discussion of the Salina Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 

To see the study session's meeting packet, click here.

Consent Agenda

● Approve the minutes of the meeting of October 23, 2023.

● Approve Resolution No. 23-8159 appointing members to citizen boards and commissions.


● Approve Ordinance No. 23-11180 on second reading requesting a change in zoning district classification from R-2 (Multiple-Family Residential) district to C-3 (Shopping Center) district on property legally described as Lot 9, Block 6 of the Holiday Addition and addressed as 255 S. Chicago Street to allow for additional parking for the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank.

● Approve Ordinance No. 23-11182 on first reading approving the execution of a Loan Agreement between the City of Salina and the State of Kansas for the purpose of financing drinking water service lines inventories to account for any lead service lines (Kansas Water Supply Loan Fund Project No. 3185).

● Approve Ordinance No. 23-11181 on first reading approving the execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Loan Agreement between the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the City of Salina for the purpose of financing improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant (KWPCRF Project No. C20 2049 01).

● Authorize preparation and publication of notice of proposed transfer of park property to the Salina Community Theatre Association for the purpose of expansion of the theatre facility into Founders Park.


The City of Salina and the Salina Community Theater Association (SCTA) have had a longstanding relationship that dates back to the 1970's. The original theater building was constructed with private funds, but was owned and maintained by the City. The building was expanded in the early 1990's. In 2007, SCTA began a campaign to expand the facility to its current footprint. As part of the expansion agreement that expires in 2057.

SCTA has approached the City about the possibility of expanding their facility to the west. The expansion is intended to be used to increase their educational offerings and provide a scene shop.

The proposed 9,500 sq foot expansion would encroach onto what is currently Founders Park. Staff hosted a Development Review Team (DRT) meeting with SCTA to get a better understanding of the planned expansion.

Because of the location of the facility expansion concerning the Smokey Hill River, staff requested that HDR take part in the review. The expansion of the building onto Founders Park will have an impact on the river project, but the consensus between staff and HDR is that the river plans can be adjusted to accommodate SCTA's expansion.

As part of discussion related to transferring property to SCTA, staff requested a review of the maintenance and operations agreement that was approved in 2007. The current maintenance agreement requires the City to pay for all utilities at the facility, provide janitorial services, and maintain the facility to include repair and replacement of the plumbing, heating and air conditioning and electrical systems.

The City is also responsible for landscaping and snow removal. Janitorial services and maintenance are performed by City staff. In some instances, third-party contractors are also engaged to handle maintenance and repairs. In exchange for these services, SCTA pays the City $3,000 annually.

City Owned Facilities Energy Improvements

● Approve Resolution 23-8165 authorizing and providing for energy saving improvements to City owned facilities and authorizing issuance of Temporary Notes and/or General Obligation Bonds of the City to pay the costs thereof.

● Authorize the City Manager to execute an Energy Services Contract with Schneider Electric that includes replacing facility lighting, upgrading HVAC systems, adding building automation systems, and upgrading building envelopes at multiple City owned facilities.

Executive Session

● Request for Executive Session - Attorney/Client Privileged

● I move the City Commission recess into executive session for_ minutes to discuss with special legal counsel the subject of confidential legal considerations relating to points of negotiation with both Salina Destination Development, LLC and the Kansas Department of Commerce regarding the City's multi-family housing project, based upon the need for consultation with an attorney for the public body which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship pursuant to K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(2).