The Historic Stiefel Theatre
The North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (NC-FH AAA) and the Stiefel Theatre present the first-ever “Sunflower Seniors Got Talent!” The event will feature the talents of some incredible Kansans aged 65 and over. Don't miss this wonderful evening taking place Sept. 18 at 7:00 p.m.
The collaboration between the Stiefel Theater and the Area Agency on Aging will raise money to support Friendship Meals, Medicare benefits counseling and other services for older Kansans and caregivers available from the NC-FH AAA.Tickets start a $10.
The event’s talent line-up will also include “Bob and Friends” a music group featuring Bob Delk, a Marion County musician who celebrates his 101st birthday in early August.
“We are excited about working with the Stiefel Theater to showcase the talents of older Kansans on the Stifel’s stage and help us address our funding needs for Friendship Meals and other important services for older Kansans, people living with disabilities and caregivers,” said Julie Govert Walter, Executive Director of the NC-FH AAA.
The talent showcase is slated for the day before the Sept 19th, Sunflower Fair, an “information extravaganza” featuring speakers and seminars geared for older Kansans, people living with disabilities and caregivers.”
“We are delighted that this fun event will be held the day before our The Sunflower Fair, our Agency’s “information extravaganza” featuring speakers and seminars geared for older Kansans, people living with disabilities and caregivers, ”Walter said.
Registration for the Sunflower Fair that happens Tuesday, Sept.19, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Salina’s Tony’s Pizza Events Center is open now.
Registration costs $25 before September 11 and includes lunch, exhibits and all presentations. To register for this event, call 800-432-2703 or go to the NC-FHAAA’s website Registrations may be mailed to the Area Agency on Aging at 401 Houston St., Manhattan, KS 66502.
The Area Agency is accepting sponsors for workshops, exhibitors and donations for door prizes and the Silent Auction. Those interested should call 800-432-2703 or go to .
The North Central-Flint Hills Agency on Aging, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization that plans, coordinates and provides services in 18 north central Kansas counties to enhance the quality and dignity of life for older Kansans, people living with disabilities and their families. Area Agency on Aging programs and services are partially funded by the Older Americans Act through the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services and voluntary participant contributions. The Area Agency on Aging works in partnership with local and county governments and senior citizens’ groups. All services are available without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.