The Salina City Commission will hold its regular meeting on Feb. 24, 2025, beginning at 4:00 p.m. in Room 107 of the City-County Building, 300 West Ash Street.
At 2:30 p.m. in Room 107, commissioners will hear an update regarding Salina Animal Services.
Call to order
The meeting will begin with confirmation that the required notice under the Kansas Open Meeting Act has been provided, followed by a roll call and Pledge of Allegiance.
Public hearings and items scheduled for a certain time
(3.1) The commission will conduct a public hearing and consider approval of Ordinance No. 25-11234, which would vacate a utility easement in Schilling Subdivision No. 5 to allow for a terminal expansion at Salina Municipal Airport.
Consent agenda
(4.1) The commission will consider approving the minutes from the Feb. 10, 2025, meeting.
(4.2) Resolution No. 25-8283 will appoint a new member to the Salina Airport Authority.
(4.3) The commission will review biennial Special Alcohol funding requests for the 2025-2026 funding period.
(4.4) The commission will consider accepting a public sanitary sewer easement to serve a new Maverik convenience store outside the Windy Creek Addition.
(4.5) A license agreement with Bergkamp, Inc. for a sign in the public right-of-way at 3040 Emulsion Drive will also be considered.
(5.1) The commission will consider Resolutions No. 25-8280, 25-8281, and 25-8282, authorizing improvements to main trafficways, the public water supply system at Salina Municipal Airport, and the public water supply system in Overlook Estates Extension.
(5.2) The commission will discuss the selection of an executive search firm to assist with hiring a new city manager.
(5.3) The commission will consider approving the 2025 Conventions and Tourism Promotion Program and Cultural Grant Program Budget.
(5.4) The commission will consider Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between Salina and Saline County regarding the Animal Shelter.
(5.5) The commission will also review an Interlocal Agreement with Saline County for Plan Review and Building Inspection Services.