Salina Post
A Salina man was cited after he reported himself in a hit-and-run wreck that occurred late Tuesday night.
Surveillance video showed that at approximately 10:50 p.m. Tuesday, a Ford Mustang was traveling westbound in the 1100 block of Holiday Street when it lost a back tire, struck a curb, spun around, and struck a 10-foot tall chainlink fence and gate at Mini Mall Storage, 440 S. Clark Street, Salina Police Captain Paul Forrester said this morning.
In the surveillance video, the driver and a passenger can be seen pushing the Mustang away from the fence and then driving off in the car.
Police were notified about the fence and gate being struck at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Forrester said.
At approximately 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, officers were dispatched to the 100 block of N. Chicago Street, where they met with Kevin Tremblay, 23, of Salina, who reported that he was the driver of the Mustang. Forrester said Tremblay decided to report the incident because he wanted to do the right thing.
Tremblay was cited for the following, Forrester said.
●Reckless driving
●Duty to report upon striking property
●No proof of insurance
●Speed reasonable and prudent