Aug 19, 2024

Salina City Comm. enters into agreement with HDR for Smoky Hill River Renewal Project engineering

Posted Aug 19, 2024 4:14 AM
Salina City Commission
Salina City Commission

Salina Post

At its recent meeting on Monday, April 12,  Salina City Commissioners agreed to formalize an agreement with HDR Engineering to advance the Smoky Hill River Renewal Project, an infrastructure initiative funded partly by a federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant.

The project, estimated to cost between $4.8 million and $5.2 million, encompasses the preliminary engineering, design, and planning for significant enhancements to the Old Smoky Hill River Channel and surrounding areas.

Seven Bridges Project
Seven Bridges Project

Project Scope

The Smoky Hill River Renewal Project is a comprehensive effort to revitalize the old river channel, improve public safety, and enhance recreational opportunities.

The project includes:

-Constructing or refurbishing seven bridges
-Developing multi-purpose bike and pedestrian trails
-Various safety improvements for pedestrian crossings.

Specific components of the project are:

Seven bridges, including Lakewood Park Bridge, Elm Street Bridge, Ash Street Bridge, Iron Avenue Bridge, Midway Bridge, YMCA Bridge, and a pedestrian under-crossing at South Ohio Street with a hydraulic culvert.

Trails and Pathways: Multi-purpose trails designed for both biking and walking, integrated with the natural landscape and enhanced with lighting for safety.

Pedestrian Safety: The installation of pedestrian crossing safety features, focusing on the North Ohio Street pedestrian underpass.

Recreational Hubs: A multi-modal hub near the Midway and a limited Fourth Street Plaza, complete with a boardwalk.

Flood Mitigation: Constructing a levee outlet designed to mitigate flooding risks while maintaining aquatic connectivity.

Maintenance and Access: Establishing a maintenance facility, boat ramps, and a retaining wall near the Water Treatment Plant.

The project aims to create a space that prioritizes recreational use, emphasizing landscaping and ornamental features and preserving the natural environment.

The bridges, for example, will be designed to accommodate canoes and kayaks rather than just focusing on hydraulic capacity and will include decorative elements to blend with the natural surroundings.

Engineering and Cost Estimation

Given the mature tree growth and sediment in the old river channel, the engineering and design work, led by HDR, will involve complex geotechnical surveys and landscape architectural efforts. The project will start with 30% design plans, progressing to 100% completion, and will include plan submittals for permitting and reviews.

Jim Kowach, P.E., Salina Operations Manager for Public Works, prepared the independent cost estimate for the engineering fees. With over three decades of experience, including significant tenure with the Kansas Department of Transportation, Kowach's estimate was based on comparisons with similar projects and designers, including Wilson and Co., Olsson Associates, Affinis Corp., and HDR.

Martha Tasker, Salina utilities director, said the independent cost estimate has been sending to the Federal Highway Administration for review.

"The Federal Highway Administration reviewed that and did not see any issues with the independent cost estimate," Tasker said. "That information is then transferred to headquarters, and there may be some other documentation they may ask for, but to date, we know the documents they want. Once that's approved, then we will get a notice to proceed with this project."

Estimated costs broken down:

5% Direct Expenses: $4,769,460.80

10% Direct Expenses: $4,976,828.66 (Recommended)

15% Direct Expenses: $5,184,196.52

City of Salina Finance Director Debbie Pack provided commissioners with information discussed at a prior study session meeting on April 22, 2024 where commissioners agreed to the following sources of funds for the project:

Funding mechanisms for the 7 Bridges Project. 
Funding mechanisms for the 7 Bridges Project. 

Direct expenses include costs such as plotting, drafting, software, public involvement, and subcontracted work. The recommendation is to budget for 10% direct expenses, which is deemed appropriate given the project's scale and the anticipated need for significant public involvement and aesthetic considerations.

During the time for public comment, several community members voiced their strong concerns the project might go well over budget.

To those leading the efforts to restore the Smoky Hill River, it is more than just an infrastructure upgrade; it is a key part of Salina's efforts to enhance the quality of life for its residents.

Vice-Mayor Greg Lenkiewicz, who presided over the meeting in Mayor Bill Longbine's absence, echoed this in his remarks before calling a vote on the motion.

"It's a multi-generational legacy project, where it's going to, the way this goes down, it'll hopefully improve the quality of life for everybody in town, and I'll transcend economic boundaries, and I'm still in favor of it," said Lenkiewicz.

Commissioner Hoppock said the current commission is a steward of a project that has been years in the making.

"This is a project that started way before many of us commissioners were sitting up here," Hoppock said. "What we're trying to do as commissioners is do the best we can, to try to fund the project, but not to put the burden on property tax...but there's always that potential that we will be over budget and that is why we are setting some funding aside."

Commissioner Hoppock made a motion for the City to direct the City Manager, Mike Schrage to enter into an agreement with HDR for the project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jerry Ivey Jr. 

The motion was approved unanimously.