Feb 12, 2025

NW Kansas man dies after truck, heavy machinery overturn

Posted Feb 12, 2025 2:00 AM

DECATUR COUNTY—One person died in an accident just before noon Tuesday in Decatur County.

The Kansas Highway Patrol reported a 1975 Ford Super Duty driven by  Terrence W. Blackwill, 51, Norton, was westbound on U.S. 36 eight miles east of U.S. 83  hauling heavy machinery.

The vehicles tires locked up and the driver lost control. The truck slid into south ditch, started to roll and the trailer became detached. The heavy machinery came unsecured from the trailer and rolled and the trailer rolled.   As the vehicle rolled the driver was ejected.

Trailer came to rest on its wheels and the heavy machinery came to rest on its roof. 

Blackwill was pronounced dead a the scene and was transported to Plumer-Gobber Funeral Home.  He was not wearing a seat belt, according to the KHP.