FRANKLIN COUNTY —A police officer was forced to shoot a dog during an incident on Monday in Ottawa.
Just after 2p.m. Monday a citizen reported a Pitbull running loose and being aggressive in the 700 block of S. Cypress Street in Ottawa, according to a media release from police.
Responding officers arrived and located the canine and it charged at them. Officers attempted to catch the dog but could not due to the aggressive behavior of the canine, and requested a unit with a tranquilizer gun respond.
Prior to the officer arriving with the tranquilizer gun the dog charged another officer who discharged their duty weapon striking the canine. The dog retreated to a fenced in pen with another dog that was aggressive, which delayed medical treatment. Officers were able to retrieve the injured canine, and it was immediately transported to a local veterinarian for emergency treatment.
No officers or citizens were injured during the incident.
Police issued citations to 61-year-old Floyd Atchison, a 61-year-old of Ottawa on following charges: Keeping Vicious Animal; Animal At Large; Keeping Prohibited Pit Bull; No City Animal Registration and No Current Rabies Vaccination.