Dec 17, 2024

Kansas man dies after car, pickup crash

Posted Dec 17, 2024 10:30 AM

MONTGOMERY COUNTY —One person died in an accident just before 6p.m. Monday in Montgomery County.

The Kansas Highway Patrol reported a 2010 Nissan Altima driven by William B Gregory, 30, Altamont, was southbound on U.S. 169  three and one half miles south of U.S. 400.

The car passed several vehicles, then struck a northbound 2001 Chevy Silverado driven by Cody L. Taylor, 27, Parsons. After impact, the pickup spun counterclockwise, coming to rest off the roadway to the east of U.S. 169. The car continued southbound, veering right off the roadway and coming to rest just west of the highway in the grass.

Gregory was pronounced dead at the scene and was transported to Frontier Forensics. EMS transported Taylor to the Mercy Hospital in Joplin. Gregory was not wearing a set belt, according to the KHP.